An Article On Hashnode's Becoming A Better Dev 2021

An Article On Hashnode's Becoming A Better Dev 2021

I started reading becoming a better dev 2021 in early February 2022, and in this short period, I've learned quite a lot to shape my understanding of web development. While I was reading the book, I came across one particular article by Ephraim Atta-Dunkan (50 Essential tips for every developer) which I found very useful because it covers a lot for a newbie transitioning into tech.

This article is a note to myself and every other person who is just transitioning into tech and needs a road map. I'll be highlighting the points he made in the original article.

50 Essential Tips For Every Developer

1. You are never ready. That's the fun part

It's very normal to feel unready but don't wait for your feelings to change before taking action, take action and your feelings will change. Take that bold step, apply for that job, go for that interview. The worst thing that could happen is that you don't get it. But then, you would have learned something.

2. Focus on one thing at a time

As a starter in programming, we sometimes get confused with what route to take and what language to learn so a lot of people tend to try to learn more than one language at a time or even learn one and then move to another without fully understanding the basics of the previous. It's better to first understand what you want, find out what language suits it best, learn that language till you understand and can build projects on it before learning a new language or framework.

3. Just start! You'll figure everything out automatically

A popular quote says the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago and the next time to plant it is now. You may have some doubts at first but it becomes clearer as you go.

4. Build. Build. Build again

The best way to become a programmer is by building stuff. I know you're thinking "how do I build stuff if I don't know how to?". Well, the simple answer is "build". You can try recreating the landing page of any web page or even come up with an idea of your own. While doing any, you'll meet some roadblocks and that's where the real learning happens. There are lots of resources and communities available today to get help.

5. Sleep is important

iStock-507952433-58b995345f9b58af5c6476d6.jpg Getting enough sleep helps for better concentration, productivity, and cognition. And its benefits healthwise cannot be overemphasized.

6. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness

When you get stuck writing code or doing other things, asking for help doesn't make you a weak person. However, fear of asking for help isn't just fear of not being capable, it's also fear of being a burden, fear of imposing, and fear of being too needy. But the weakness in asking for help is in not asking for it. Asking for help shows signs of strength, confidence, and resourcefulness.

7. Watching every tutorial won't make you a developer

As a newbie, you are oftentimes caught in tutorial hell, this is when you watch tutorials upon tutorials thinking you've learned a lot when In reality you haven't learned anything. The building is the best way to become a developer

8. Writing your own code will make you a developer

Writing your own code makes you a better developer. Build your project. Will it be a clean code during your first trial? (probably not) but if it works, it is good. Over time you'll learn to make cleaner code.

9. You only need the fundamentals

The fundamentals are all you need to start a project. 20% of all codes are used 80% of the time and that 20% are mostly what you learnt from the onset.

10. Always plan your work

pexels-startup-stock-photos-212286.jpg Proper planning always prevents poor performance. Draw out your plans and allocate a time frame for completion of each. This will help you meet your goals.

11. Have other hobbies

If programming is your hobby, explore new fields. Being open to trying new things like this is a great way to help you relax.

12. Expect more from yourself than others will

Push yourself to do more than what is expected of you because this will play a big role in your growth as a developer. Set records and break them, continue in this pattern and you'd see you're becoming the best version of yourself before you even realise it.

13. Take your time and write tests

Writing tests may seem unnecessary and time taking but in the long run, it's worth it. Tests improve the quality of your code and detect bugs early.

14. Read blog posts, listen to podcasts, subscribe to newsletters

They are very good ways to learn. Listening to people who have been doing it before you and/or have more experience than you will help you know what to do when you meet certain roadblocks. Twitter spaces are also a good way to connect with other programmers.

15. Make a lot of mistakes

pexels-george-becker-374918.jpg Making mistakes is something programmers do a lot, as a programmer, making mistakes is very much inevitable. And as a matter of fact, you cannot refer to yourself as a programmer if you haven't made countless amount of mistakes. Making mistakes is one of the things that makes programming fun but recognizing those mistakes and correcting them is what makes you better.

16. Learn to read documentation

Reading documentation is a skill that a lot of programmers have failed to possess. Very few programmers have enough patience for it but reading documentation help to avoid problems while writing code

17. Quit looking for perfection, if it works it works

It's okay to look for perfection but what happens when you don't find what you're looking for and you have a working code? Will you keep looking at the risk of breaking your code or let it be?. If it works it's because your code is good enough.

18. Maintain good posture while coding

Good posture is something that programmers take for granted and in long-term cases, it is accompanied by health problems. The ideal way for programmers to sit is sitting in a chair that allows you to sit with your shoulders relaxed and pulled back, in a posture where your forearms are parallel to the floor.

19. Take a break

Allow yourself to go on breaks, you deserve it. Breaks allow your brain to recuperate. Even if it's just a 15 minutes break you take, when you come back your focus and level of assimilation will be better.

20. Connect with people


As a programmer, it is very important to connect with other people for various amount of reasons. It has health benefits and other perks which include learning from others through connecting and even getting job referrals.

21. Pair program if you can

Pair programming is an agile software development technique in which two programmers work together at one workstation. One, the driver, writes code while the other, the observer or navigator, reviews each line of code as it is typed in. The two programmers switch roles frequently. This form of programming helps in reducing bugs.

22. Googling is a skill

Knowing how to use Google, StackOverflow, and other online resources to get solutions to your problems is an essential part of programming and a skill that every programmer should have. You can't have every single code in your head, so it's okay to google sometimes but don't just copy codes the way they are written, understand them so you'll know how to tackle them when next you come across similar problems.

23. Teach others what you know

The best way to remember things is by teaching and there are other benefits which include improved communication skills, increased confidence, and improved leadership ability.

24. Look for mentorship. If you can mentor do it

Being mentored helps to expose you to new and different perspectives, you get to learn from another person's experiences and it also helps in increasing self-awareness among others. Begin a mentor builds leadership skills, communication skills help in being a good listener and increase self-confidence among others.

25. Read more books. Fictional and non-fictional


Reading helps in sharpening communication skills, reduces blood pressure and heart rate. It strengthens your brain and increases your ability to empathize.

26. If you are bad, pretend you are a good programmer and never stop pretending

Ever heard the saying " fake it till you make it"? In programming, you can do it and not be prosecuted for it. Our brains can be deceived, if you keep telling yourself that you're a good programmer and back it up with practice, eventually you become what you believe you are.

27. Do not quit

Programming is not an easy task and at some point, you'd feel like quitting. DON'T. Always remind yourself of the reason you started in the first place and think of how much time and effort that's taken you to the point where you are now. Quitting is only going to make all your sacrifices go to waste. So push till you get your desired result.

28. If the tools you use feel like magic, start digging in and see under the hood

As a starter in tech, you might come across tools from time to time that looks foreign to you. When you see such tools you can do one of three things. Either see a video that explains how it works, read the documentation or play around with it till you understand how it works. But the last one isn't advisable.

29. If you don't understand, copying is not the best idea

There are times when we come across problems and after trying everything we know it still doesn't work and we're left googling. When you come across a solution, instead of just copy-pasting, it's better to first study the code, understand it and then write it on your own. You might get it wrong the first time. Keep trying and eventually, it will stick.

30. Watch conference talks on youtube

pexels-anna-shvets-4226140.jpg Conference talks are very good ways to learn as a programmer. You get to hear the same story from different perspectives and understand the struggles of being a newbie in the programming world. This will help you learn from their experience and prompt you to make better choices after having a similar encounter.

31. Attend meetups and conferences if you can

While this point and the previous one are similar. Physical meetings may be more advantageous in the sense that you are able to meet more qualified individuals with numerous experience. You could as well strike a personal interview with them where you can get clues to solving your programming challenges.

32. Always be a team player

Each individual in every team has unique gifts, talents and skills. When we bring them to the table and share them for a common purpose, it can give such a real team competitive advantage. Being a team player helps you become a better problem solver, improves your communication skills, boosts productivity, smarter risk-taking, etc.

33. Readability is way more important than shortness

When coding, readability is a very important factor, not just for you but also for a future developer in case you decide to transfer the code to another developer, it saves them time and effort. If you think no one else is going to read your code, you're probably wrong

34. Learn more than you think you should

One thing you should never stop doing as a developer is learning. Learn everything you come across about your preferred language including the ones you don't think you need because they might be useful sometime in the future.

35. Find a balance between theory and practice


Balance doesn't always have to be 50/50. One might take precedence over the other. In development, your practice time should take precedence over theory because that is where the real learning happens

36. Invest in your developer setup

Becoming a developer is very cheap, you can use any smart device to start programming, the one you're reading this article with will probably suffice. But, as you advance you might need a stronger performing device and a personal workspace. Your workspace as a programmer is important for comfort and productivity.

37. Learn keyboard shortcuts

For someone who types and switch the screens a lot, keyboard shortcuts will come in very handy. For example, instead of using a mouse to select another open software from the toolbar, it is advisable to use alt+tab. It saves you time.

38. Be consistent

Consistency is the key to success in anything. Consistency helps you to be efficient, you'll yield better results, it helps you to identify areas where you need improvement faster, etc. It is a very important factor in programming.

39. Try a new language

The good thing about programming is that the basics are all transferrable. The syntaxes might differ but the basics are the same. When you're confident in your skill in your preferred programming language, you can learn another to broaden your knowledge and increase your chances in the job market.

40. Enjoy your little wins


It is very important to enjoy and celebrate your little wins. Acknowledging small victories helps you keep track of how far you've come, it boosts your energy because when your energy is low, it can be challenging to accomplish anything.

41. Define your payment terms explicitly

Know your worth and demand to be paid accordingly. But, there are times when experience comes before price. For a newbie in programming, there are times when offers come up for an internship position with less pay than you think you deserve. You don't have to accept but it is advisable to do so.

42. Don't be scared to show off your work

Showing off your work is good for growth. You might be scared of criticism but if you're not criticized for your mistakes, you'll keep making them. Showing off your work is also a way to make yourself known for what you do and create a network.

43. Learn to comment on your code

Proper use of commenting can make code maintenance much easier, as well as help make finding bugs faster. It makes your code to be transferrable. If you work in a company, you might get a better position making your current position vacant, it will make work easier for whoever will be replacing you.

44. You should not be afraid to have simple solutions to simple problems

We all approach problems differently. Your way of finding a solution is unique only to you.

45. Listen to advice but make your own decisions

pexels-anna-tarazevich-5697261.jpg Human experiences differ from one another, people might sincerely give you advice that worked for them saying "If it worked for me, why wouldn’t it work for someone else?" or "if it is good for me, why wouldn’t it be good for you?". It might have worked for them but at the end of the day you live a different life probably at a different time so it's okay to make your own decisions. If you make a mistake and fail, think of it as a part of your success story, get back up and continue with your journey.

46. Support other developers. Sponsorship and the likes

Support other developers in every way you can. If you don't have the funds to sponsor other people, you can start a mentorship program and help programmers who are less experienced compared to you.

47. Learn from anything and anyone. Never miss an opportunity to learn

Deliberate learning should be a constant part of your life, you should always be eager to learn. Read books, watch videos, listen to podcasts, attend seminars and conferences, etc. A piece of simple information can be a life-changer.

48. Take care of your mental health

A lot of programmers take care of their physical health and completely forget about mental health but that shouldn't be you. Talking about your feelings can help you stay in good mental health and deal with times when you feel troubled, always ask for help when it's needed, drink responsibly, give yourself breaks.

49. Try explaining concepts in writing and publishing

A lot of people transitioning into the programming aspect of tech usually assume it's only about the codes but they're usually wrong. Writing helps you to learn and serves as an archive for your thoughts. It is also a way of teaching. Explaining concepts in writing can be very useful to you and other people. You could refer back to it if need be and you also refer other people to it if asked a related question.

50. At the end of it all, there is family

pexels-emma-bauso-2253879.jpg Families can be an essential source of affection and encouragement. During challenging times, people need a person who they can rely on, and 9 times out of 10 it's usually a family member that fills that spot.